Summoners Not Included Walkthrough Part 3

Walkthroughs for Ghost Master Act 1

Summoners Not Included Wrap-Up

Terrorize the professor, but be careful of two things. Don't scare away anyone else and don't scare the Professor away before you free Raindancer.

Bench Maxine Factor the moment the mortals have been attracted to the inside of the cabin. Then head back to check on the Professor.

While you are scaring the Professor, someone will use the bathroom and set Raindancer free. You may have to ease off on the Professor. As soon as Raindancer is free, scare the Professor away.

As soon as the Professor is running away bench everyone! The assignment will complete via cut scenes, another rare moment of peace in Ghost Master.

Summoners Not Included: Revisits

When revisiting the Ghost Master assignment Summoners Not Included, you will need to have the Quake power. Then swap out Aether for a good indoor haunter.

Use the walkthrough above, but use the Quake power instead of Tremor. This will free Whisperwind, knock down the bees' nest, and blast open the basement - all in one shot!

Remember to free Raindancer and Moonscream as previously outlined in the walkthrough.

Summoners Not Included: Additional Resources

Summoners Not Included Video Walkthrough

Moonscream, Raindancer, Whisperwind Haunter Details

We hope that this Summoners Not Included Walkthrough has helped you, and we hope that you enjoy your time as a Ghost Master!