Haunter Powers & Costs

Complete Listing of all Haunters & Restless Spirits in Ghost Master

While your haunters in Ghost Master do start with a reasonable number of powers you'll quickly find that they are also lacking that something special. By completing assignments fast enough you can earn Gold Plasm. This requires a Ghost Master Scare Rating of at least 1 out of 3. You can then use this Gold Plasm at the Manor to purchase additional powers for your haunters.

The Ghoul Room is located in the center of the map in Ghost Master.

Haunter Powers - Purchase Cost By Level

Level 1 - 50
Level 2 - 75
Level 3 - 100
Level 4 - 250
Level 5 - 500

Level 6 - 750
Level 7 - 1000
Level 8 - 1500
Level 9 - 2000
Level 10 - 2500

Complete listing of haunter powers and purchase costs.