What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest Walkthrough Part 1

Walkthroughs For Ghost Master Act 3

The Ghost Master assignment What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest requires that you get off to a fast start, otherwise this assignment could take a long time.

In this walkthrough, we will free the Darkling and get a Triple Jack-O-Lantern Ghost Master Scare Rating. You can also check out our What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest Video Walkthrough.

Detailed walkthrough for the Ghost Master assignment What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Recommended Haunters:

List of recommended haunters for the Ghost Master assignment What lies over the Cuckoo's Nest. Haunters Include Cogjammer, Hogwash, Clatterclaws, Buck, Firetail, Wisakjak, Maxine Factor, and Hypnos.

Important Locations:

The first thing to look at in our walkthrough is the layout of What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest, including the important locations.

1. The location of the Darkling
2. Binding locations for Hypnos & Hogwash
3. Location to place the Gift

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