What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest Walkthrough Part 3

Walkthroughs For Ghost Master Act 3

What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest: Revisits & Extras

When revisiting the assignment What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest, simply bring your most powerful haunters and follow the walkthrough above. As long as you get the Gift up to the asylum the first time the people in green come down, you should be able to free the Darkling quickly.

Getting a Triple Jack-O-Lantern Ghost Master Scare Rating will then be a matter of having the scare power to empty the building fast enough.

What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest Video Walkthrough
Darkling - Ghost Master Haunter Details

We hope that this walkthrough for What Lies Over The Cuckoo's Nest has helped you, and we hope that you enjoy your time as a Ghost Master.