ECU Tuning

Tuning Carburetors & ECUs In The Dyno - Car Mechanic Simulator 2015

Tuning the ECU in Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 can be a real frustating experience if you don't know the trick to how the Dyno works. Our guide shows you how to quickly and easily tune any ECU in the game to a full +18% and Proper Ratio.

Tuning The ECU To +18% and a Proper Ratio

At first the tuning experience may seem very random, but there is a pattern. I'll explain how this works step by step and include a set of screenshots that will show you what it will look like as you go through the process.

Step 1: If two of the bars are already at the same level, proceed to Step 2. The first thing you want to do is click the plus sign under the first bar until it is the same height as another bar. Once you have two bars at the same height proceed to Step 2.

Step 2: With two of the bars at the same height that leaves us with two bars that are not at that height. Pick one of them and click its plus sign until it is the same height as the other two. This may take a few clicks but you will end up with three bars at the same height. Once you have three bars at the same height proceed to Step 3.

Step 3: You now have three bars at the same height. What you want to do is click the plus sign of the one that doesn't match until it lines up and you have all four bars at the same height. As before you may have to click a few times, but you will eventually end up with all four bars at the same height.

Step 4: With all four bars at the same height, you are almost finished. Now what you have to do raise all of the bars together by clicking the plus sign on each one once. This will make sure they are always all at the same height. Keep doing this, clicking each one only once, until you reach 18% and Perfect Ratio.

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