Roosevelt Island Promenade Walkthrough Part 3

Blackwell Unbound Walkthroughs & Videos

Johnny Ivory's - The First Visit

On your first visit to Johnny Ivory's there are a few things that you'll need to do. First of all, talk to the piano player. He'll introduce himself as C. However, at this point, he doesn't really provide any useful information. What you actually need to look at is the photo on the wall behind him. Then look at the sheet music on his piano.

At Johnny Ivory's the first things of importance are the sheet music on the piano and the photo on the wall behind the piano player.

Once you are done talking with C, look at the photos on the wall behind him. Lauren will spot one of particular interest. Click on each person in the photo to get a comment from her. You need to do this or you'll have to do it later. Either way, it's required to get your final information.

Before you exit the closeup of the Photo, you should also click on the gold stamp at the bottom of the photo. This will give you the clue about Jambalaya Records. But you're not done with that photo yet. Click on the Camera in Lauren's inventory. Then click on the photo on the wall to have her take a picture of it.

As a last task before leaving Johnny Ivory's, switch to Joey and have him look at the sheet music on the piano by clicking on it.

That is all that you need to do here for now. The next step is to return to Lauren's apartment and have her look in the phone book for Jambalaya Records. Don't bother wasting your time calling, just head on over there. You'll have it on your map now that you have looked it up in the phone book.