Roosevelt Island Promenade Walkthrough Part 2

Blackwell Unbound Walkthroughs & Videos

The Spirit on the Promenade

When you arrive at the Roosevelt Island Promenade it won't be long before a ghostly saxaphone appears, soon joined by the spirit playing it. Lauren herself will be unable to interact with the spirit at this time, so you'll have to switch to Joey.

First have Joey try to talk to the ghost. When this fails, have Joey grab the ghost's Saxaphone by clicking on it. You'll then have a conversation that will quickly end with Joey getting smacked by the Saxaphone. The conversation, however, will provide you with a single clue.

You'll have to be friendly, then firm, with the ghost on the Promenade.

Before switching back to Lauren, have Joey talk to her. Then open up her notebook and click on 'Johnny Ivory's'. This will prompt Lauren to mention using the phone book.

Return to Lauren's apartment and click on the phone book. Then type in Johnny Ivory. This will immediately provide results, including an address, which will be a new map point for you to explore.