Day One Walkthrough Part 5

Blackwell Legacy - Walkthroughs & Videos

Rosa's Article and a Visit with Nishanti

Upon arriving at Rosa's apartment just click on her computer and select the option 'write article'. Rosa will then sit down and put the article together, scanning the photo and sending it all off to her boss.

However, when Rosa tries to go to bed after that, her head will really pound. Rosa will say that she needs fresh air and go to the apartment door. Head out into the hall and knock on Nishanti's door.

There are a few conversation topics you must explore fully before you can proceed any further. Exhaust all dialogue options relating to the park, the dog run, and dogs. Nishanti will make a refrence to sensing things. This is the point in the conversation that will unlock events so you can proceed with the game. Make sure to also Offer to feed dog, but don't actually do it. You'll need the Dog Biscuit for later.

After Rosa finishes her article head over to visit Nishanti. This long chat is just what you need.