Day One Walkthrough Part 3

Blackwell Legacy - Walkthroughs & Videos

Rosa's Apartment & Bellevue Hospital

Back in Rosa's apartment the phone will ring. It's Bellevue Hospital, and the doctor would like to speak to Rosa. That will be her next destination.

At Bellevue all you have to do is have Rosa speak to the guard and ask to see the Doctor. He will ask for proof, which Rosa will provide automatically. Now the doctor has a lot to say. All of it is backstory about Rosa's aunt and grandmother. This is also the only conversation you actually need to have with the Doctor.

After the conversation with the Doctor, head back to Rosa's apartment. Upon arriving you should notice an envelope on the floor just inside Rosa's door. Have Rosa pick up the envelope and then open it from her inventory.

As soon as you are done looking through the items in the envelope, the phone will ring. This time it will be Rosa's boss at the paper.

After examining the contents of the envelope from Bellevue Hospital, Rosa's boss will call with a new assignment for her.