Jamie Graham Walkthrough Part 6

Walkthroughs For Blackwell Deception

Joey's Dance with Jamie at Munray's

Assuming that Joey has already asked Jamie to dance, have Rosa activate the panel to the left of the doorway to the VIP Area. If Joey hasn't already asked her to dance, you'll have to send him up now to do so. Then bring him back to Rosa and have her activate the Panel.

When Rosa activates the panel have her search for Epileptic Fish and the music will change. This will also unlock the Steam Achievement Music Lover. Now switch to Joey and have him go ask Jamie to dance. When Joey asks Jamie to dance she will agree, since she loves the song Rosa has requested.

This is a dialogue puzzle. Here is the order of responses Joey needs to give after they have started dancing:

Ask about Jamie
Her Studies

Ask about Jamie
Her spare time
Anubis at the Gate

Ask about Jamie
Her home town
The midwest

When Joey gets Jamie to dance a dialogue puzzle begins in which all the information about Jamie suddenly becomes relevant.

The dialogue options listed above were unlocked by discovering information about Jamie. Some from her professor, some from her ex-boyfriend, and some from the messages on her computer. If you are missing any dialogue options, you must have missed something in the conversation with her professor or in the messages on her computer.