Jamie Graham Walkthrough Part 5

Walkthroughs For Blackwell Deception

Munray's & Confronting Seb

After looking at the Coroner's Report and reading all of the messages on Jamie's computer it's time to head back to Munray's.

Have Rosa head to the far right over near the bar and you'll see a blonde man standing there. Talk to him and ask if he's Seb, then mention that you've read the email he sent Jamie. The conversation itself won't go that well the first time around but you do need to get some information from him. The critical dialogue option is about Jamie being a drug addict. After you ask him about that, end the conversation.

Have Rosa consult the notes on her phone. Click on the Coroner's Report then click on the note about Jamie being a drug addict. Rosa will immediately come to realize that these two statements cannot both be true.

Talk to Seb again, and this time use the dialogue option Jamie was clean. This will set him off. By the end of the conversation you'll have discovered that Jamie liked an author named Ashbless. Have Rosa use her phone to look up Ashbless.

Rosa needs to talk with Seb at Munray's.