Chapter 5 Walkthrough Page 9 - Red Lantern Statue Puzzle

Complete Set Of Walkthroughs For Still Life

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Mia & Claire at Richard's Gallery

Once you have collected the Silver Mask, the Silver Nail, and half of the Silver Apple, it's time to leave the Red Lantern Club. What we need now we must find elsewhere. Head over to Richard's Gallery next.

When you arrive at Richard's Gallery you should enter via the front door. You'll see Mia at the front desk. Talk to her twice. This will give you information on the Statue Puzzle, as well as the keys for Mia's Apartment. Then go behind Richard's Desk and talk to him. Once you have finished talking to both Mia and Richard, head back outside.

Head around the side of Richard's Gallery and go around back. You need to head back to the 6th Crime Scene in the Studio where Claire is working. When you speak to Claire make sure that you explore all of the dialogue options. She'll have some information for you, including a few variations with this murder. Victoria will also have an interesting revalation for Claire. The killings seem like the ones Gus was investigating in Prague.