Chapter 5 Walkthrough Page 3 - Richard's Gallery Crime Scene

Complete Set Of Walkthroughs For Still Life

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The Chain & The Hook

With the photo in hand, you need to turn your attention to the door Mia entered and exited through.

Click on the door to have Victoria attempt to open it. When she attempts to open it, the chain will break and fall to the ground. Click on the chain. You'll need this in a moment.

Now that you have the chain, you can move the elevator and get that Silver Rose. Go back to the elevator and take it back up.

When you reach the top, look next to the elevator walkway. You'll see a large hook. Click on it to get a comment from Victoria. You'll now be able to use the Chain on the Hook.

The Rose and Victoria's Photo

After you use the chain on the hook, Victoria will climb down the chain and arrive at the foot of the elevator. Now that the elevator is out of the way, you can get that Silver Rose.

Click on the purse to get a close-up. The Silver Rose is now in plain sight and clearly accessible. Click on it to collect it.

With the rose in hand, head back in to the crime scene. Browning will show up along with Claire. After a short word with Browning, talk to Claire and she'll say to come back later.

Head outside and talk to Officer Tate. Then head back around to the front of the building. You can get there by heading down to the bottom of the screen to transition to the next area. Then again head right to transition back to the front of the building.

Go inside the front door of Richard's Gallery and talk to him.

After talking with Richard, look at his desk. You'll see a photo of Victoria. Take it.