The Yacht Walkthrough Part 4

Walkthroughs For Blackwell Deception

Freeing the spirit of Ryan Jacobs

You now have everything you need for Rosa to confront the ghost on the Bridge. Head up there now with Rosa and talk to Ryan. He will try to shoot her and fail, after which he is open to dialogue.

I used the option of Being there to help as my first dialogue chioce. At this time all you really need is for him to make a comment about the bank. As soon as he does that you can end the conversation.

What you need to do now is have Rosa use her phone and perform a search on the internet. What she is looking for is GCT, which is a Bank. That will give you an article about the bank robbery, and the death of Ryan Jacobs.

Talk to Ryan again, and exhaust all of your dialogue options. Remember there are clues in your note app too. This time you need to get information out of him about Boston. Once you have this information you can end your dialogue with him.

This part is a bit odd. What you need to do is have Joey stand in front of the Map screen for the GPS. It will, of course, go crazy. Leave Joey there and ask Ryan How far are we from Boston?

I'm not too sure if it matters how much time you wait before asking him again, but a few seconds +/- did seem to make a difference. Just keep asking until he says that you're about a mile away.

Once Ryan says you are about a mile away from Boston Ryan leave the Bridge and go outside to take a look. Send Rosa outside. Seeing that he is still in New York will hit home with Ryan. After a bit more dialogue, he will head back inside. Have Rosa follow him.

Rosa needs to keep asking Ryan How far are we from Boston until he says they're almost there.