Jeremy Sams Walkthrough Part 4

Walkthroughs For Blackwell Deception

Penelope Haines & The City Post

Your next stop is The City Post. By the time Rosa gets there the police will have already called. This will change everything with the receptionist and she will be more than happy to cooperate with Rosa.

Have Rosa head up to Jeremy's office by clicking on the elevator and then on the office door. Inside there are 3 things of note, and one of irony. Have Rosa take the notebook from the desk right next to the computer screen. Look at the Post-It Note on Jeremy's screen. Then take the Press Pass from the table on the left side of the room. Next have Rosa inspect the big White Board along the back wall.

In Jeremy's office have Rosa take both the Notebook and the Press Pass.

Before leaving the Office, make sure you have looked at the Notebook and clicked on each entry to have Rosa read them. You want to make sure you'll have these points as dialogue options later.