Gavin & The End Game Walkthrough Part 2

Walkthroughs For Blackwell Deception

The Final Encounter with Lisa

With confirmation of the deaths of both girls, as well as confirmation of Gavin's involvement, Lisa will freak. Apparently she suspected something, but never had any firm evidence. She'll also agree to set up a meeting with Gavin for you, but wants to leave town first.

During your final meeting with the Psychic, Lisa Tenzin, she will reluctantly agree to set up a meeting with Gavin for you.

When Rosa leaves Lisa's she will get ambushed by Gavin. There isn't really much difference in the outcome, so don't worry about the dialogue choices. He will shoot Rosa, Joey will flip out, and it will be just a tranquilizer.

When Rosa leaves Lisa's she will be ambushed by Gavin and get herself shot.