Office Highrise Walkthrough Part 4

Walkthroughs for Blackwell Convergence

Laying to Rest the Spirit of Allen Reiken

There are actually two ways to resolve this situation. The first way is perhaps a bit easier, and a bit more extreme. I'll cover that approach first since we took the Soft Touch approach in the video.

Once Joey is out on the ledge talking with Allen you will eventually reach a point in the conversation where you can choose topics such as wife and business with him. Select each one of these and have Joey select the nastiest response available. By the end of the thrird brutal insult Joey will really pour on the heat and Allen will attempt to jump.

Of course... he floats. And then it'll hit him. Joey and Rosa will automatically take care of the rest. But they will agree it was not their best work.

The better way to save Allen is to use Rosa. This will also give you the Steam Achievement Soft Touch. For example, when you have Joey talk about women with Allen you will get a dialogue option to set him up on a date.

To save Allen and get the Steam Achievement Soft Touch Rosa must insult Allen.

Once Allen comes back inside, have Rosa respond to him with the nastiest dialogue option available. This will cause Joey to inspire Allen to stand up for himself. By the end of this little exchange, Allen will not only have come to feel much better about himself, but he will also have accepted his death.

Our walkthrough for Blackwell Convergance continues with The Bridge Ghost Walkthrough Part 1