Still Life Chapter 2 Walkthrough Page 8 - The Police Station

Complete Set Of Walkthroughs For Still Life

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The Police Station and Kasimir

As you'll have come to expect, nothing is overly simple. Once you arrive at the Police Station, you'll want to head on inside.

The first thing you'll want to do at the Police Station is check out the bulletin board. Here you'll find an article that you can take with you. On closer inspection, the article is about Kasimir, and him getting a nice shiny medal.

(Note: you can also look at a book on the coffee table called The Prisoner of Zenda.)

With the article in hand, it's time to talk to Kasimir. With a little prying you're able to get at least part of the story from him. And you guessed it, another objective. He needs the Medal back from Apolina before his wife finds out he's into hookers.

This leaves us with confirmation that there is a survivor, Vladanna, and that she is at the Junkyard. Before you can get any further you'll have to head to the Park and try to get the medal back from Apolina. It's off to the Park.